Ithawua Art

Hi! For info on commissioning me, please click the button below.
Commissions are always open unless otherwise stated.

Commission Info

Below is a listing for all of my AUs (created by @ Ithawua on Twitter/Tumblr).
Please click which one to view, for a brief description of each one. Further images will appear on my Twitter and Tumblr!
For any questions about any AU, please send them via my askbox on Tumblr.All comics will be read from Right to Left.

Hunter Nathaniel

Feral Itha

Apocalypse Twins

Sun God Nebuchadnezzar

Survivor Twins

Dragon AU

Camboy Nathaniel (R18)

Hunter Nathaniel


After being killed by his twin brother, Nathaniel was revived through the power of a 'miracle' by his father, Noel Norwell. He was never told the methods of which this miracle took place, only that his grieving father did everything in his power to bring his late son back to life. Nathaniel promised to not squander this chance, and worked hard to gain the strength necessary to protect himself, his family, and his village from 'evil'.His methods are cruel and sadistic, and his ultimate goal is to eventually hunt down "The Walking Death" (Ithaqua) and put an end to him.Eventually, however, he and Ithaqua both will end up participating in the manor's events, where they begrudgingly are forced to work together, and share a room due to the cruel joke of the manor's baron.

Dragon AU

Exiled 10 years ago by his twin brother Nathaniel, Itha returned to the kingdom and forcibly removed his brother from the throne, and took it for himself instead. In a fit of petty irony, he exiled Nathaniel as well, and now rules the icy seaside kingdom on his own... with help from an older, powerful dragon, that suddenly appeared and took immediate interest in him.Itha isn't sure why the older dragon named 'Alva' spared him, instead of taking the kingdom for himself, as dragons frequently do to expand their territory- but he now has him as his right hand advisor, and bodyguard.Many problems arise under Itha's rule, and Alva is the one that often keeps him out of trouble.Featured characters: Itha (Morningstar), Alva (Warden), Nathaniel, Frederick (Dragon Hunter), Tracy (Returned), Joker (Enroached), Nightmare (Abyss).


A retelling of the Morningstar / Eclipse universe.Twins of sun and moon, inseparable as children, having grown apart when they grew older.Disagreements caused strife, and after a failed attempt on his older brother's life, Itha was forcibly jailed. Nathaniel took mercy and spared his life, unable to bring harm to his younger brother, his moon, and personally escorted Itha from the dungeon where he was being kept, and into the wilderness under the cover of moonlight. Exile was the only mercy Nathaniel could provide him, as if Itha returned, he would surely be killed for his attempt on the sun king's life.After 10 years, Itha does return, with his own rebellion - their only goal being to overthrow the kingdom of the sun, and warp it into their own vision. A kingdom eternally shrouded in an eclipse.Featured characters: Itha (Morningstar), Nathaniel


Having completely lost his humanity due to being alone for such a long period of time, Itha has fully succumbed to 'Ithaqua', the beast residing in him that had granted him his powers over wind and snow. The beast has warped his body in various ways, making him more 'monstrous' and unfeeling, with his only desire now to relentlessly hunt and feast. He never rests, and entering the forest has become a death sentence for unknowing travelers.Where once Itha would show mercy to those that deserved it, no one is safe from him now.Many hunters have been sent after him, only to never return - and a large bounty has been placed on the beast's head... Perhaps someone will hear the call, and come to claim him.

Camboy Nathaniel
(R18 AU)

After having come into possession of his late father's booming business, Nathaniel, a now charming and skilled businessman, performs his daily duties with grace and elegance. Many enjoy his company, and his sweet way with words can persuade even the most hardened of businessmen to listen to him. He is a respectable man, hardworking and knowledgeable...And when he gets home, he goes right back to work. While during the day he performs for his business, during the evenings he performs for his audience. Going by the nickname of 'SunKing' online, Nathaniel takes the role of a sexy streamer, a 'camboy', that dresses up in lingerie and an assortment of other outfits, and performs 'favors', acts, and other content for his viewers, especially those that pay him well enough.This side of him is kept as a secret, so he makes sure to disguise himself well, and never show his eyes during his streams... But, this is also to protect his audience, too. The eyes of an incubus are alluring and dangerous, under the right circumstances...(In this AU, Itha and Nathaniel are mixed Kitsune and Incubus. Itha is mostly Kitsune, while Nathaniel is mostly Incubus. They have a 75/25 split between them.)Featured Characters: Nathaniel, Itha, Alva, Herman Zeeman, And just about everyone really literally everyone is here in some form or another

Survivor Twins

Twins who grew up together under the same mother that found them both abandoned in the forest during a blizzard. Their bond is strong, and they are inseparable. Even though they have chosen different professions, with Itha prioritizing hunting, while Nathaniel has turned to the light and faith, they remain close and help each other when and where they can.After their mother fell ill with seemingly no cure, the twins received a letter with an invitation to the manor... Whoever wrote the letter knew of their mother's condition, and promised them a cure should they be successful in the manor's 'events'. Should they accept the offer, their mother would be cared for in their absence... but only healed if they're successful in the events.With nowhere else to turn, and in desperation to save their mother, Nathaniel and Itha agree to partake in whatever it is this manor has to throw at them.

Apocalypse Survivor Twins

Two twins fighting for survival in an apocalyptic wasteland. The 'apocalypse' happened suddenly, leaving most people dead and gone, cities in ruins, and supplies to live off of scarce. Horribly mutated creatures that spew black sludge walk the earth now, killing and devouring anything they can.Ithaqua and Nathaniel rely heavily on one another, and are on good terms, having grown up with a close bond to one another. Nathaniel is good with medical supplies, while Ithaqua is good with weapons. Ithaqua has a machete and sniper rifle, while Nathaniel has a pistol and a knife.They stay in a small apartment hideout on the outskirts of a large city, where they're constantly fighting to keep supplies to live off of. Thankfully, Ithaqua is a good scavenger. He provides well for the two of them, and Nathaniel helps where he can.They wear gas masks often to keep the fumes and spores away, not wanting to risk any potential infections... it's unclear how people become the horrible monstrosities that roam around came to be, so neither of them want to chance anything.

Sun God Nebuchadnezzar

A sudden ascension left him with the powers of the sun. The sun itself now bends to his will, and his radiant magic is able to smite even the strongest of man in the blink of an eye. Nebuchadnezzar can summon a multitude of weapons made of pure light, should he need them for anything, but he mostly allows his magic to do the talking.Babel bows to him, and no one questions his rule. Shrines and temples have been made in his honor, and Nebuchadnezzar is regularly worshiped at these sites. Whether they help him grow in power or not is something he won't say. Perhaps he has an ego, and simply likes having them around, and seeing humanity bow before him?His younger twin brother Helel is still out there, somewhere... and Nebuchadnezzar is searching for him.

Commission Information

All prices listed below are for illustrations that will be for Personal use.For Commercial related illustrations, contact me and we can talk about it!All prices below are listed for USD currency. Please convert to your own currency if paying via other currencies.Currently, I am only accepting payments via PayPal.
Payment must be made in full before work will begin.
No refunds!
You may request to pay off the commission in increments that are comfortable to you. Please ask me for this option if you need it!NOTE: I Will do commissions for Identity V Echoes if you would like to use a gift card or some other method of payment, but Paypal is preferred.TIPS: If you'd like to tip me for my work, or show support, you may do so via my ko-fi!

To order, please contact me via my email: [email protected]
My inbox on twitter will be closed to messages. However, if you want me to message you on Twitter, please message me your @ via my tumblr, or through email, and I will send a message to you as soon as possible.

I Will Draw:
- OC
- OCxCanon
- Any Character / Ship
- R18

I Won't Draw:
- Offensive/Derogatory Content
- Political Content
- Underage Ships
- Depiction of Real People


All sketches are simple black and white drawings. These will include a minimal splash of color, for eyes, or other noteworthy items on clothing.Backgrounds will be minimal!

Pricing:Half Body:
$40 One Character
(+$30 Per Additional Character(s))
Full Body:
$70 One Character
(+$30 Per Additional Character(s))


Painted drawings will include backgrounds and anything else you would like. These will be painted like the examples below.Please note: Pricing is subject to change depending on background and character detail. If your character is super detailed, please expect pricing to go up a little!

Pricing:$70 - Bust portrait
(+$30 Per Additional Character(s))
$130 - Half Body
(+$50 Per Additional Character(s))
$200 - Full Body
(+$70 Per Additional Character(s))

When you're ready to order, please contact me at my email: [email protected]!Thank you! !I have the full right to refuse any commission without needing to give a reasoning. Should I find your request to be offensive or if it makes me uncomfortable, I won't accept it. Thank you for understanding.Should something not be listed here and you're unsure if I'll draw it or not - please ask me!NOTE: PLEASE do not rush me or constantly ask me about your commission status! You don't need to ask me every day, I promise I'll be working as fast as I can to get everything delivered in a timely manner!